After over 1400 killed and 5000 wounded, the Gaza conflict enters a lull -- for now. But the awful violence will escalate again unless we take urgent action to
address the root causes of the festering Israeli-Palestinian conflict.One of the greatest hopes for peace is for the US under Obama to play an impartial mediation role. But the biggest obstacle to this is
the strong bias of the US media. Only 4% of related US media stories even mention that Palestinians are under military occupation, and less than 25% of Americans say they can sympathize with both sides -- so
even Obama will find it difficult to be fair.We urgently need to meet this challenge as Obama makes historic choices on Israel-Palestine. The winds of change are blowing through American media -- the
best way to seize this opportunity is to hire highly respected experts to sit down with powerful editors and journalists -- providing facts, information and opportunities to hear sensible voices for peace from both Palestinians and Israelis. Just $40,000 would be enough to hire a respected advocate to work part time for a year.
Obama has promised "fairness" in his approach to this region, let's help make it politically possible for him to deliver: Far from taking sides, our effort will show that
balanced journalism is both pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian, because it helps secure lasting security and justice for both peoples.
For years a balanced perspective has been largely absent from US media. Palestinian kids throwing rocks were seen as dangerous rioters, rather than token resistance to an illegal military occupation. The crushing nature of the that occupation, in which the smallest details of life are tightly controlled, is rarely covered by US media. (see links below) Until the American media can tell both heart-rending sides of the story, no US president will be able to broker a fair peace.
The opportunity is there. After the trauma of the Bush years there is a fresh wind blowing through American democracy and media. A new emphasis on responsible, tough journalism, and a genuine desire among media professionals to be more balanced. We can make real progress through getting experts to engage with journalists to help point the way.
Click below to make it politically possible for Obama to take a strong and fair stand on the Middle East: With hope,
Ricken, Graziela, Alice, Luis, Paul, Brett, Milena, Paula, Pascal, Iain and the whole Avaaz team.
PS: See the links below for more information about bias in the US media and on coverage of the recent war in Gaza:
The Blame Game in Gaza: - Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land: Stewart's critique of media bias on Gaza conflict: Law Seldom Newsworthy in Gaza War: a recent US poll which shows the impact of the media bias: Media Watch report on op-eds: and unnewsworthy deaths: - Media bias about the Israeli-Palestine conflict: video on media bias in the conflict: Americans Knew - A US project helping to convey alternative perspectives to Americans:
www.ifamericansknew.orgPPS: Please click on this link for an award winning video made by Avaaz which is the kind of material that we use to encourage more balanced understanding of the Middle East:
ABOUT AVAAZ is an independent, not-for-profit global campaigning organization that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people inform global decision-making. (Avaaz means "voice" in many languages.) Avaaz receives no money from governments or corporations, and is staffed by a global team based in Ottawa, London, Rio de Janeiro, New York, Buenos Aires, and Geneva. Call us at: +1 888 922 8229 or +55 21 2509 0368 Click
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