We all  know and love food…but some people have gone beyond the cooking and eating process and transformed food in …well…pure art. This resulted in an incredible number of compositions made entirely out of food that look amazing.  And here are  some of the artist that have created some outstanding creative food art.
Carl Warner is an amazing photographer working in London. He has 20 years of experience in photography and he is "guilty"Â for some of the most incredible food art. The following landscapes are entirely made with food. Prepare to be amazed !
Saxton Freymann is the creator of seven spectacular children's books featuring his fabulous food sculptures. He plays with vegetables and fruits in an simply delicious way.
Jason Mecier is a mosaic portrait artist. He transforms junk, candy, beans and anything he finds into great pieces of art.
Song Dong is an avantgarde installation artist from China. He has created in London this " Biscuit City".The scene depicts a traditional Asian city .An estimated 72,000 biscuits were used along with tea, caramels and fruit shortcake.