The times they are a changing, and we at vosotros are feeling it happen. Living in Los Angeles, California, a bastion of America's beauty (and ugliness), excitement and tension are running high as Barack Obama prepares to take office on January 20. The potential for a positive change has never been more real than now, and we have chosen some of our closest friends to express their excitement by covering tunes from America's national songbook! All songs are in the public domain and were recorded locally in under 2 weeks time. So stick a feather in your cap, ride to the top of Mount Rushmore and scream � YES WE PUEDE ! (And don't be afraid to sing along - we know you-all know the words)
vosotros, Obi Best, Learning Music (feat. Readers), Dream Kids, weyou, B.R.A.M., and Mooey Moobau
Produced and Conceived By

� 2009
some rights reserved

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vosotros, Obi Best, Learning Music (feat. Readers), Dream Kids, weyou, B.R.A.M., and Mooey Moobau
Produced and Conceived By

� 2009
some rights reserved

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art by Max Markowitz
- 1. Star Spangled Banner (vosotros)
- 2. Taps - America The Beautiful (Obi Best)
- 3. My Country 'Tis of Thee Pt. 1 (Learning Music)
- 4. My Country 'Tis of Thee Pt. 2 (Learning Music)
- 5. Yankee Doodle (Dream Kids)
- 6. You're A Grand Old Flag (weyou)
- 7. Anchors Aweigh (B.R.A.M.)
- 8. Swanee River (Mooey Moobau)