Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Proposed legislation in Congress would set up camps for U. S. citizens

By the Editor from news agency sources

A bill proposed by Florida Democrat Alcee Hastings would set up a series of emergency centres on U. S. military installations. House Resolution 645 provides that no fewer than six such centres will be built and would give emergency aid, housing and relief services for citizens during a time of disaster or national emergency.

Even though the intend of the bill sounds humanitarian, the provision listed in Section Two, Paragraph B-4 raises the most questions. The wording reads

    (4) to meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security.

To read the text of the entire bill, click here:

The wording of the bill doesn't define 'appropriate needs', nor does it specify why the Department of Homeland Security is responsible for administration of the bill's various provisions.

Some commentators wonder about the bill's true purpose in the same breath that they talk about recession-related riots in Lithuania, Greece and other western countries. There is concern that the move to return combat-ready military units to the U. S. is a step towards making these centres 'concentration camps' for American citizens.

Writing on this legislation, Representative Ron Paul says that the bill would supplement other 'emergency powers' granted to the federal government since 9/11 and be the mechanism for imposing martial law. Paul says some questions need to be asked.

'With this in mind, it appears as if these so called national emergency centers will be used in a national emergency but only if the national emergency requires large groups of people to be rounded up and detained. If that isn't the case, than why have these national emergency facilities built in military installations?'