The Lima Beans
Representative Lindsey Holmes asked Ross how he would view cases involving homosexuality, you know him thinking they're "degenerates" and all, and writing it in the Alaska Bar Newsletter.
Ross responded, "Let me give you an analogy. I hate lima beans. I've never liked lima beans. But if I was hired to represent the United Vegetable Growers would you ask me if I liked lima beans? No. If I disliked lima beans? No. Because my job is to represent the United Vegetable Growers."
Now, we love a good analogy here at Mudflats. In fact it's one of our favorite literary devices. So, if gays are lima beans, and the United Vegetable Growers are the state of Alaska, then what does it sound like when we replace those words in our little analogy?
"I hate gays. I've never liked gays. But, if I was hired to represent the State of Alaska, would you ask me if I liked gays? No. If I disliked gays? No. Because my job is to represent the State of Alaska."
Ah, now we see. So do we feel better now? No.