Doin' some time in a strange town? Check out MyGayGo...and make sure to check out the video on their website - the Moviefone guy has gone gay!
From the press release:
Can a $2.99 iPhone application work to boost an ailing newspaper and magazine industry as publishers look for new ways to generate revenue?
Attorney and businessman Rick Citron is betting on it with the launch of MyGayGo (www.mygaygo.com), a new iPhone application that helps users to locate local gay- and lesbian-friendly people and places from more than 25,000 listings.
"All media types are in decline and looking for new ways to generate revenue. Most publishing companies have yet to fully grasp the nature of new media and how to adjust to its impact," said Citron, whose team has developed the product and business model.
"The MyGayGo application gives the paper publishers a way to begin the transition to new technologies without having to create them. This is an opportunity for a publisher's sales team to offer their current customers a new product."