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In This Email:
1. Stop the War Supplemental
2. Torture Accountability Action Day: June 25
1. Stop the War Supplemental
Whip list here with contact info and updates. (Help us update the list!)
We have 15 Democrats committed to voting No on the war money, and all the Republicans voting No because of the IMF money that has been included with it.
We have succeeded in getting the ban on releasing torture photos removed from the bill, and we may succeed in having the IMF bailout for European banksters removed too.� But we want the bill defeated, and right now, with the IMF funds included, defeating the whole thing is easily within reach.
Look at the promises.� 51 Democrats voted No on the same bill when it was guaranteed to pass.� 89 have sworn not to vote for any more war money except for withdrawal.� 85 have cosponsored a bill requiring an exit strategy for Afghanistan.� And 73 have joined an "Out of Iraq" caucus.� Is this all for show, or will 40 Democrats vote No when the No votes can actually be decisive, actually make the peace movement a force in Congress, actually create the power to negotiate a compromise, change the public discourse, and begin to bring these nightmares to an end?
Please call your representative today and urge them to vote no: 202-22...
.� And call them every day: as long as they keep delaying the vote, we are winning.
Whip list here with contact info and updates. (Help us update the list!)
2. Torture Accountability Action Day: June 25
June 25th in Washington, DC, and across the USA !
Salt Lake City, Seattle, Portland, Honolulu, Las Vegas, Anchorage, Pasadena, San Francisco, Washington DC, and Charlotte
More locations are being added every day !
Details for Washington DC Rally:
Meet at: John Marshall Park - 501 Pennsylvania Ave NW - Washington, DC Directions: Google Maps ( To View the layout of the Park in 3-D go to : http://www.johnmarshallpark.org/index.html )
When: There will be tabling from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and continuing after rally. To reserve a table please contact us at http://tortureaccountability.web.com/contactus.htm
Rally: Speakers from 11 a.m. to Noon
March: Departs from Rally site at High Noon to the Department of Justice.
Some participants may engage in nonviolent civil resistance, risking arrest, if the Attorney General refuses to appoint a Special Prosecutor.
If you wish to sponsor this event or any of the others, or add one to the list of cities participating, please contact us at: http://tortureaccountability.web.com/contactus.htm
Sponsored by:
After Downing Street, Code Pink: Women for Peace, Democrats.com, Indict Bush Now, National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance, Progressive Democrats of America, Torture Abolition & Survivor Support Coalition, Veterans for Peace, Washington Peace Center, Witness Against Torture, World Can't Wait, Amnesty International, US Labor Against the War, Historians Against the War, NJ Peace Action, NJ People's Organization for Progress, National Accountability Network, We Are Change LA, Action Center for Justice, Peace Action, Consumers for Peace, High Road for Human Rights, BuzzFlash, Individuals for Justice.